

    Trademark registration Suriname - In Suriname the legal basis for trademark legislation is based on a Royal Order from 1912 Regulations on the Factory and Trade Marks in the Colonies and the Aid Office from Industrial property), which was modified by the decree C-81 in August 1984. Suriname is not member of the Madrid Protocol or Agreement. Trademark protection is obtained by registration, however an unregistered trademark can be protected due to prior use. The jurisdiction in Suriname follows the “First to use” system.


    A trademark application has to be filed before the “Bureau Intellectuele Eigendom” in Suriname by a local agent. Foreign applicants do not need a domestic (primary) registration in Suriname. Foreign applicants do need a local trademark agent. A Power of Attorney (POA) is needed and it is required that the original POA be submitted.


    The application process in Suriname includes a formal examination of the distinctiveness of the trademark and a search for prior trademark is conducted. It takes approximately 18 months from first filing to registration. Before registration, the trademark application is published in the “Advertentieblad van de Republiek Suriname” also known as the Official Gazette for advertisements in Suriname. The trademark is published for opposition purposes and the duration of the opposition period is about 6 months after the publication date.


    A trademark registration in Suriname is valid for 10 years from the registration date. The registration is renewable for periods of 10 years.


    Duly note, in Suriname there are no trademark use requirements.