

    Trademark registration Lebanon - Lebanon is a member of the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property. Trademark protection is obtained by registration.


    A trademark application has to be filed before the Lebanese IP Protection Office by a local agent. A non-legalized power of attorney is sufficient. Foreign applicants do not need a domestic registration.


    The application process includes a formal examination, an examination of distinctiveness and as to whether it is contrary to the public order and morals or representing national or foreign decorations and a search for prior trademarks. It takes approximately 2 weeks from first filing to registration. After registration, the trademark is published in the official gazette.


    Trademark registration in Lebanon is valid for 15 years from date of registration. It is renewable for periods of 15 years. Filing a late renewal application is possible through a grace period of 3 months from the date of expiration.


    NATIONAL REGISTRATION: If you just want to register your Trademark in one country, it is sufficient to apply for a national registration at the local trademark office.