Use of Cookies

Rules for applying information technologies to provide information based on the collection, systematization, and analysis of data related to the preferences of internet users (recommendation technologies)

Last updated: January 23, 2024

1. General Terms

These rules for the use of information technologies for providing information based on the collection, systematization, and analysis of data related to the preferences of Internet users (hereinafter referred to as the "Rules") have been developed in accordance with the Federal Law No. 149-FZ of July 27, 2006, "On Information, Information Technologies, and Information Protection."

The Rules define the procedure for using information technologies to provide information based on the collection, systematization, and analysis of data related to the preferences of Internet users (hereinafter referred to as "recommendation technologies") at INNOTEC LLC (location: 26 Leninskaya Sloboda St., Omega-2 Business Center, Office 261, Moscow, 115280, Russia) (hereinafter referred to as the "Operator"), in order to protect human and civil rights and freedoms when using recommendation technologies..

The Rules use the following key concepts:

Cookie – a piece of data sent by the Operator's server and stored on the device of the data subject. The content of such a file may relate to personal data or anonymized technical data, depending on whether the file contains personal data.

2. Principles and Conditions for the Use of Recommendation Technologies

2.1. The Operator may use the following types of cookies for the specified purposes:

Technical Cookies: These cookies are essential for the proper functioning of the Website and its features. They enable the identification of hardware and software, including the type of browser, to ensure the Website operates correctly on the User's equipment. For example, if you create an account, we use cookies to manage the registration process and general administration. When you log into your account, we use cookies to remember this fact, saving you from having to log in each time you visit a new page on the Website;

Preference Cookies: These cookies allow us to save the User's preferences, such as the chosen language, location, and display settings of the Website. To remember your preferences, we need to use cookies so that this information can be retrieved every time you interact with a page on the Website, ensuring that your settings are maintained consistently;

Email Newsletter Cookies: The Website offers a subscription to an email newsletter, and cookies may be used to remember if you are already subscribed and to show certain notifications that may only be valid for subscribed / unsubscribed users;

Statistical / Analytical Cookies: These cookies allow us to recognize users, count their number, and collect information such as activities performed on the Website, including information about visited pages and content that interests the User the most. These cookies are used by the Operator to gather, analyze, and organize Website statistics and analytics to improve the Website;

Behavioral Cookies: These cookies collect information about how users interact with the Website, helping to identify errors and test new features to enhance the Website's performance;

Form Cookies: When you submit data through a form, such as those found on contact pages, feedback forms, or comment sections, cookies may be used to remember your details for future correspondence;

Third-Party and Advertising Cookies: These cookies collect information about users, traffic sources, visited pages, advertisements displayed to specific users or groups of users, and the ads users clicked on to reach the advertised page. They allow the display of advertisements that may interest specific users based on the analysis of their personal information, behavior, and preferences.

2.2. The use of cookies is regulated as follows:

а) cookies, the content of which is determined and processed exclusively by the Operator, are processed in accordance with these Rules;

б) cookies, the content of which is determined and processed by a third party — for example, a provider of third-party software or service used by the Operator — are processed in accordance with these Rules, as well as with the privacy documents of such third party, which include, among other things, the name of such party, the procedure and conditions for working with cookies, and contact information for personal data subjects' inquiries.

The following third-party tools that can use cookie technologies are used to analyze the use of the Website:


Google Analytics


Google Tag Manager

Additionally, social media pixels / beacons are installed on the Website, which may use cookie technologies.

3. The User of the Website Has the Following Rights

The User of the Website, if necessary to obtain additional information regarding the use of recommendation technologies, has the right to send legally significant messages to INNOTEC LLC concerning the use of recommendation technologies to the following address: 115280, Russia, Moscow, Leninskaya Sloboda Street, 26, Business Center OMEGA-2, office 261, or by email:

4. Cookie Storage Period

Some cookies operate from the moment you enter the Website until the end of the current browser session. When the browser is closed, these cookies become unnecessary and are automatically deleted. These cookies are called "session cookies."

Some cookies are stored on the device and persist between browser sessions. They are not deleted after the browser is closed. These cookies are called "persistent cookies."

5. Cookie Management

You can control and manage the use of cookies in various ways. However, please note that blocking or deleting cookie files may affect the functionality of the website and may cause certain features to not work as intended.

You have the option to:

  • disable the storage of cookie files;
  • limit their creation by specific websites;
  • set up notifications for when cookie files are sent in your browser;
  • delete cookie files from your computer’s hard drive at any time (file: "cookies").

Please refer to your web browser's instructions to learn more about how to adjust or change browser settings. Detailed information on how to do this can be found on the website

Any consent to accept or reject cookies is limited to this Website only. 

Disabling cookies may impact the User's Internet browsing experience. If the User uses different devices to view and access the Website (such as a computer, smartphone, tablet, etc.), they must ensure that each web browser on each device is configured according to their cookie preferences.

6. Emails

We may also use tracking technologies to determine if you have read, opened, or forwarded specific email messages that we send to you. This allows us to make our emails more informative and engaging. If you prefer us not to track whether you have opened, clicked on, or forwarded our emails, you will need to unsubscribe, as we cannot send email messages without tracking enabled. Registered subscribers can update their preferences regarding the emails they receive from us at any time by contacting us or following the instructions in the individual email messages.