Inventions, utility models, industrial designs

Patenting Inventions

Under Russian legislation, an invention is a technical solution relating to a material object - a product (including a device, substance, microorganism strain, culture of plant or animal cells) or a method (a process of performing actions on a material object using material means), including the use of the product or method for a specific purpose. The criteria for patentability include novelty, industrial applicability, and inventive level (it should not be obvious to a specialist). An application for an invention can be filed for a group of inventions linked together by a single inventive concept (unity of invention requirement). The application for an invention undergoes a formal examination and a substantive examination, the request for which can be filed within three years from the date of application. The term of a patent for an invention is 20 years.

~20 000 RUB


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About the service

Patenting Inventions
Patenting inventions is a complex and meticulous process. Trust the professionals at INNOTEC and save your time and resources. For international patenting of inventions, it is necessary to file an international application or a national application in the country where protection is sought.
We provide:
  • free initial consultation;
  • preliminary search through databases to determine the uniqueness of the technical solution for the device, method, or substance;
  • development of a strategy for patenting;
  • assistance in preparing descriptions, drawings, and writing formulas;
  • preparation of the document package, submission, and support of the application for invention registration;
  • regular updates on each stage of the registration process;
  • documentation for accounting purposes;
  • assistance in submitting applications for registration in other countries through national and international procedures;
  • protection of your rights to inventions;
  • maintenance of the patent validity;
  • patent restoration;
  • representation of your interests in courts.
Get a consultation

Get a free preliminary assessment of your trademark's protectability, including the identification of relevant Nice Classification classes

For submitting an application

You need to

  • Provide a concise description of the product in a free form, specifying its purpose, functional capabilities, scope of application, and operating principle

  • Submit a set of images (photos, drawings, illustrations, diagrams, or sketches, etc.) at the discretion of the applicant, accompanied by brief explanations of their contents

  • Describe the process of manufacturing (obtaining) the product

  • Submit a power of attorney

You don't need to

  • Understand the specifics of preparing a patent application and registration of the invention

  • Research where and how much to pay fees

  • Correspond with the patent office

  • Understand the procedure for maintaining the patent in force

  • Keep track of deadlines for timely fee payments

  • Deliver documents to the patent office

  • Collect documents from the office


  • We offer guidance on the next steps if you encounter a preliminary registration denial
  • Risks are covered up to 10,000,000 RUB with Zetta Insurance Company
  • Two-level protection of confidential customer information
  • Reminder to renew the trademark

They trust us
Berlin-Chemie Menarini
Solution 45
AMD technologies
The Paint Center
Berlin-Chemie Menarini
Solution 45
AMD technologies
The Paint Center

Ask a question

We will contact you as soon as possible. Thank you for your interest in our services!

Subject of inquiry
  • Trademarks
  • Sale of Trademarks
  • Registration of the Country of Origin
  • Registration of Geographical Indication (GI)
  • Copyright
  • Inventions, utility models, industrial designs
  • Copyright on Computer Programs and Databases
  • Maintaining the Validity of Protective Documents
  • Legal services