Inventions, utility models, industrial designs

Patenting Industrial Designs

Patenting industrial designs involves protecting intellectual property related to the appearance, design, and ergonomic features of products from industrial or artisanal production. The conditions for the patentability of an industrial design are its novelty and originality. A patent for an industrial design is valid for 15 years.

~20 000 RUB


Operating worldwide

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About the service

Patenting Industrial Designs
A patent certifies exclusive rights to intellectual property. However, a patent issued by the Russian Patent Office is only valid within the territory of Russia. This means that registering a patent guarantees that no one else in any country in the world can obtain a patent for an identical solution, but they may use this solution in their own country.

For international patenting of an industrial design, it is necessary to file an international application or a national application in the country where protection is desired. The patent owner may dispose of it at their discretion: grant the right to use the patent (license agreement) or assign the patent (assignment agreement) to another party.

We provide:

  • free initial consultation;

  • preliminary search across information databases to verify the novelty and industrial applicability of the product;

  • development of a patenting strategy;

  • assistance in preparing the description;

  • preparation of document sets, submission, and support for the application for registration;

  • regular updates on each stage of the registration process;

  • documents for accounting purposes;

  • assistance in filing applications for registration in other countries through national and international procedures;

  • protection of your rights to the industrial design;

  • maintenance of the patent's validity;

  • patent restoration;

  • representation of your interests in courts.

Get a consultation

Get a free preliminary assessment of your trademark's protectability, including the identification of relevant Nice Classification classes

For submitting an application

You need to

  • Provide a brief description of the product in a free format, indicating its area of ​​use

  • Send a set of images (photos, drawings, pictures, diagrams, or drawings, etc.) at the discretion of the applicant

  • Send a power of attorney

You don't need to

  • Understand the specifics of preparing the application and registering an industrial design

  • Research where and in how much to pay fees

  • Correspond with the patent office

  • Deliver documents to the patent office

  • Personally receive documents from the office


  • We offer guidance on the next steps if you encounter a preliminary registration denial
  • Risks are covered up to 10,000,000 RUB with Zetta Insurance Company
  • Two-level protection of confidential customer information
  • Reminder to renew the trademark

They trust us
Berlin-Chemie Menarini
Solution 45
AMD technologies
The Paint Center
Berlin-Chemie Menarini
Solution 45
AMD technologies
The Paint Center

Ask a question

We will contact you as soon as possible. Thank you for your interest in our services!

Subject of inquiry
  • Trademarks
  • Sale of Trademarks
  • Registration of the Country of Origin
  • Registration of Geographical Indication (GI)
  • Copyright
  • Inventions, utility models, industrial designs
  • Copyright on Computer Programs and Databases
  • Maintaining the Validity of Protective Documents
  • Legal services